Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 10: Palmer to Anchorage

August 9/2010: After spending another fabulous morning with Cissy, we forced ourselves to leave Palmer and get back on the road.
Maria, Becky and Hailey
When we were in Beaver Creek last week we ran into Jim, a truck driver from Anchorage whose wife Becky rides. Our mission for the day? To meet Becky and persuade her to ride to Valdez with us. Which would have happened if not for some bike drama with her 1986 Suzuki Intruder.

Mark, Singh, Hailey and Maria

So we put Plan B into action: Meet Singh and guys from Anchorage who have been following our blog.
(Does this mean we're internationally famous?)

Well, one thing lead to another. Namely, pizza and "death by peanut butter" pie.

Mark and his wonderful closet o' leather.
He's single, fun, sexy and obsessed with motorcycles. Girls, come to Alaska!
Then it was off to Mark's house, his garage full of bikes and closet full of fabulous leather motorcycle gear.

And matching helmets!

Being the funksters they are, Mark and Singh are members of this exclusive Anchorage motorcycle group - Fukengruven!

Vic: Apparently living in Alaska makes you grow a chest pelt.
We met Vic, Mark's neighbour.

And Ruthie, Vic's houseguest from Kansas.

Who taught Hailey how to bellydance.

Playing dressup with Vic's wigs. Yes, we also wondered why he had a closet full of wigs.
We asked them to adopt us (permanently) but there was no room for our motorcycles in either garage. Sadly, it was obviously just a one night stand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that sure looks like an interesting evening! Way to go gals.